
Current Governing Body Structure
Name Governor Type Current Term of Office Resignation Date

Number of Meetings Attended

(23/24 academic year) 

% Attendance

(23/24 academic year)

Business Interests Other Governing Bodies Personal relationships with staff/pupils
Michelle Baker Local Authority 05/08/2022   5/5 100% None None No
Dawn Burbury Staff 04/092023   5/5 100%      
James Bowman Co-opted 02/10/2023   4/5 80% None Long Buckby Junior School No

Sarah Dugdale

Executive Headteacher

Headteacher 01/09/2009   5/5 100% Flore CE Primary Executive Headteacher Flore CE Primary No
Helen Garratt Co-opted 27/09/2021   4/5 80% None Long Buckby Scouts No


Daniel Lister

Chair of Governors


Co-opted 21/09/2020   4/5 80%

West Northants Councillor

Long Buckby Parish Councillor

Flore CE Primary

Forest CE Federation

Bugbrooke Primary

Barry Primary


Lucy Lowe

Parent 02/10/2023   3/4 75% None


Yes - Parent

Florence Nightingale

Parent 02/10/2023   4/4 100% None


Yes - Parent
Phil Pearce Parent 07/11/2022



5/5 100% None None Yes - Parent

 Jake Wiid

Co-opted 28/06/2021   4/5 80%

Evolve Advice

Strong Roots Training

Advisory Board to Cognita Schools Yes - Parent

The school benefits from an active and committed board of governors. The full governing body meets once a term to consider policies, school performance, staff matters and other issues. Please click here to see our official governing body information from the academic year 2022/23







Current Governing Body Structure
Name Governor Type Current Term of Office Resignation Date

Number of Meetings Attended

(23/24 academic year) 

% Attendance

(23/24 academic year)

Business Interests Other Governing Bodies Personal relationships with staff/pupils
Michelle Baker Local Authority 05/08/2022   5/5 100% None None No
Dawn Burbury Staff 04/092023   5/5 100%      
James Bowman Co-opted 02/10/2023   4/5 80% None Long Buckby Junior School No

Sarah Dugdale

Executive Headteacher

Headteacher 01/09/2009   5/5 100% Flore CE Primary Executive Headteacher Flore CE Primary No
Helen Garratt Co-opted 27/09/2021   4/5 80% None Long Buckby Scouts No


Daniel Lister

Chair of Governors


Co-opted 21/09/2020   4/5 80%

West Northants Councillor

Long Buckby Parish Councillor

Flore CE Primary

Forest CE Federation

Bugbrooke Primary

Barry Primary


Lucy Lowe

Parent 02/10/2023   3/4 75% None


Yes - Parent

Florence Nightingale

Parent 02/10/2023   4/4 100% None


Yes - Parent
Phil Pearce Parent 07/11/2022



5/5 100% None None Yes - Parent

 Jake Wiid

Co-opted 28/06/2021   4/5 80%

Evolve Advice

Strong Roots Training

Advisory Board to Cognita Schools Yes - Parent

The school benefits from an active and committed board of governors. The full governing body meets once a term to consider policies, school performance, staff matters and other issues. Please click here to see our official governing body information from the academic year 2022/23







Current Governing Body Structure
Name Governor Type Current Term of Office Resignation Date

Number of Meetings Attended

(23/24 academic year) 

% Attendance

(23/24 academic year)

Business Interests Other Governing Bodies Personal relationships with staff/pupils
Michelle Baker Local Authority 05/08/2022   5/5 100% None None No
Dawn Burbury Staff 04/092023   5/5 100%      
James Bowman Co-opted 02/10/2023   4/5 80% None Long Buckby Junior School No

Sarah Dugdale

Executive Headteacher

Headteacher 01/09/2009   5/5 100% Flore CE Primary Executive Headteacher Flore CE Primary No
Helen Garratt Co-opted 27/09/2021   4/5 80% None Long Buckby Scouts No


Daniel Lister

Chair of Governors


Co-opted 21/09/2020   4/5 80%

West Northants Councillor

Long Buckby Parish Councillor

Flore CE Primary

Forest CE Federation

Bugbrooke Primary

Barry Primary


Lucy Lowe

Parent 02/10/2023   3/4 75% None


Yes - Parent

Florence Nightingale

Parent 02/10/2023   4/4 100% None


Yes - Parent
Phil Pearce Parent 07/11/2022



5/5 100% None None Yes - Parent

 Jake Wiid

Co-opted 28/06/2021   4/5 80%

Evolve Advice

Strong Roots Training

Advisory Board to Cognita Schools Yes - Parent

The school benefits from an active and committed board of governors. The full governing body meets once a term to consider policies, school performance, staff matters and other issues. Please click here to see our official governing body information from the academic year 2022/23