Yellow Class & Green Class


Important Information

PE Days

Green Class: Monday and Thursday

Yellow Class: Monday and Tuesday


Forest School (Thursday afternoons)

Green Class: Autumn term 2, Spring tem 2, Summer term 2

Yellow Class: Autumn term 1, Spring term 1, Summer term 1


KS1 Beach Trip - Friday 21st June

Transition Day - Monday 1st July 

Sports Day - Wednesday 17th July

This term...

In maths this term, we have been recapping place value and numbers to 100. We have been comparing numbers  using < > and = and beginning to add and subract numbers up to 100.




In literacy, we have been learning the story of 'The Papaya that spoke'. The children have used a picture map to help  them to remember the story. 

 The Papaya That Spoke | Pie Corbett's Storyteller (

 The Papaya That Spoke! - Southill Primary School               The Papaya that spoke - Scholastic Shop


We have also been learning about fruits and vegetables, and deciding which would be best to use in a smoothie. The children practiced their cutting and preperation skills, and created their own smoothie recipe.

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